25 July 2012

Cute Bubble Badge!

Download Pink Bubble Badge!
Font is GF Rabbit from iphantom.me


  1. Thank you for the cute badge cami!

  2. The pink and grey combination is so nice

  3. Where did u get the wallie?? I looked in the Dropbox but I might be blind lol

  4. Hi, may i know what theme is this? The icons is really cute!

  5. Very cute ! Thanks for posting :) where did u get the icons if you don't mind me asking ?

  6. Where did you get the icons

  7. What's the name of the icons? I can't find it. ):

  8. hey it would be helpful if when u post any of these u explain how to install them because it has people lost....thanks

  9. Where did you get the Gfrabbit font? Did you get it free?

  10. Anyone found the icon ? I couldn't find it .

  11. when I downloaded this it turned my clock on my lockscreen green & its in a completely different format than what I had it & idk how to change it back to my normal form...

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